Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Latest News from the G and S farm:

Nothing ever runs smoothly, it seems this week. On the positive side, the fencing is finally finished, with the exception of a couple of gates still to hang. It looks fantastic. Unfortunately the dogs took a little while to realise that the fences are now secure, sturdy structures. Rufus, one of our Labradors, tried to jump the fence expecting it to still be slack, and ripped his leg. He has had to go to the vet 3 times so far, but seems to be loving the extra attention, and can't wait to get in the car to go for another trip! (Which is OK for him, but very expensive for us!)

Lee has a new toy, a digger, although new is probably the wrong word for describing it:

It has been working virtually non stop since it arrived, with the exception of the times it gets stuck in the mud! Mainly digging ditches and general drainage work.

Our turkeys have arrived and are settled in, happily pecking about in their new home. Their arrival has really made us aware that christmas is fast approaching. They are selling out fast, so if you want a G and S farm turkey at the best price, delivered to your door for christmas, head over to the website now and get your order in.

There is still plenty to do on the farm, still some vegetables left to pull up and store, as well as making seed lists for next year, and composting and general tidying up and maintanance.

We've certainly had more than enough rain recently, but at least we can enjoy the beautiful sight of a rainbow when it rains, even if its to wet to do anything...

see you all next week.

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