Friday 23 May 2008

The great escape....

After many escape attempts over the past week, we decided to move our 6 sows.

The past few mornings have been made a little busier due to finding the odd pig raking around the farm, looking in the poly tunnel and going in the sheds! They haven't caused any damage but it is rather unsettling to think of the devastation they could have caused.

Despite having food, water and plenty of straw and hay to sleep/chomp on they seem to have decided that the grass is greener. We thought it might be nice to set up the new paddock down by the little beck that supposedly drains our top field so when they piggies get hot and bothered they can get in the cool wet sludge and roll around to cool off and protect themselves from sunburn.

All these considerate thoughts were contradicted when we went down to check them after the first night in the new place to find that 2 of them had returned to the old paddock crossing electric fence, over the beck and under the old pig netting and barb wire in the process. We moved them back only to find the next morning the 2 had become 4!

We have pushed them all back in the paddock once again and hope the wanderlust dies down sometime soon...

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